
How You Should Properly Care For Your New Dog or Puppy

Read this article before buying a dog or puppy, or if you have recently got one, and follow the advice therein.

For starters, don’t get a dog. Don’t traffic in dogs—cats either. Lots of studies have shown that cats and dogs have good memories, and taking them from their brothers and sisters and especially their mothers should be a definite no no in everyone’s book. Not to mention how many of them get trafficked from home to home because people simply don’t want them anymore. Our little pets can tell when they’re not wanted. I’m sure it doesn’t feel nice.

But if you decide you do want to have a dog, here’s how you can properly care for them from the day you kidnap them to the day you either traffic them to another family or they miserably die.

First Up, and Most Importantly, Be There For Them When They Die

Dying is scary and sad, even for our pets – especially pets that form actual bonds with their owners – like dogs and cats do.

I know there are many situations where you simply cannot be with your pet when they pass or they die by accident, or they die at the vets. But if you can, instead of just leaving them at the vet’s and letting them die alone, sit with them and hold them until they’re last breath. They’re REALLY appreciate it. Wouldn’t you?

Even if you had your dog at your house while it was in his or her last days and know you need to bring them to the Vet to be put down, try your best to be there for them the whole way. It may hurt but you can say it’s a moral duty to be there for them as they were for us.

When you need to put your #dog down stay #strong Original sound – Be A Man

Here are some simple but effective ways to properly care for your pup before they’re last day, and what you can do to help.

Get Them a Nice Bed

With a simple search I found tons of pretty nice looking dog beds. Hundreds of them actually and a lot with orthopedic support.

My advise? don’t let your dog sleep on the bare floor their whole life. Sleeping on the floor can bruise their joints like when humans do. It’s a horrible experience especially for a long period of time.

You’ll want a bed that can support your dog’s weight and will stay firm for a long time. Quality dog beds are expensive and the good ones will help your pooch have a restful sleep and a comfortable place to lounge during the day.

Always Have Water Available

And I mean always. Continually available water to your dogs and cats is a serious must! If you don’t leave fresh water out for your pets all day and night, what are you thinking?

Like all living organisms, dogs need water and they need access to fresh water all day long, else they’ll become dehydrated on a regular basis. Look it up yourself—prolonged dehydration contributes to a slew of illnesses and physical imbalances and this doesn’t only apply to humans and plans.

Search “effects of prolonged dehydration” yourself and then ask yourself “do you like huge pet bills every year?” or “do you want a healthy dog?” The major message is, give your dogs and cats access to fresh water all day, every day.

Always Give Them the Healthiest, Most Expensive Food

This should be a no-brainer. Please, feed your dogs and cats expensive and healthy food options.

For cats you can feed them Simply Nourish canned food (some prefer the stewy type over the pate kind). For their kibble, feed them Performatrin Ultra. Period. If you can’t afford to feed your pets proper and healthy food, don’t have them (but don’t give them away either).

For dogs, occasionally give them bullies, flanks from the butcher or supermarket, and other forms of beef, but make sure they’re regular daily meal is kibble from Merrick—Merrick dog food.

Now I know you’re saying “what if I can’t afford this expensive pet food?” My answer is yes you can! If you have a pet, you’re aware that you have to pay expensive Vet bills every few years. Well, feeding them healthy food keeps them healthy and alive longer and is much cheaper in the long run. Do the math.

If you deserve healthy food, less inflammation, an optimal system and regular exercise, so does your dog. You kidnapped them so you’re obligated to give them a good life else you should give them to someone else before they get attached to you. Period.

Get Their Regular Shots

Dogs and cats need their shots. It’s a bit of a burden (because dogs don’t make humans money) having to lug them to the vet for their shots and paying for them, but they need them. Their regular required shots are needed to ensure their safety (from ticks, flees and rabies etc.) and overall health.

Here is a list of all the vaccinations your dog needs to stay healthy. Print the list or memorize it and make sure the required shots are done when needed. If you have thoughts that you can’t afford their shots, find the money – ask a friend or parent – even get a small loan of someone. You’ll thank me later.

Walk Your Pups A Lot

These days most dogs live a mundane, boring and inactive life (because they’re farm animals and belong on farms). They sleep all night—they sleep all day waiting for us to come home or take them out. They sleep, sleep, sleep and wait.

Sleeping all the time—for 10 years+ on end—takes its toll on the dog’s body. Aches, pains, sore muscles and tender joints, all contribute to a reduction in their quality of life. How do you think your lower back would feel if you slept for 18 hours a day?

But theres running! Walk and run your dog as many times as you can a day. In Germany they have a law where you have to walk your dog a minimum of twice a day for 30 minutes or more. What does that tell you?

Pet Proof Your Home

Dogs and cats can get into the strangest things sometimes. They can end up eating edibles and getting sick; they can inhale toxic chemicals and keel over; and they can destroy your valuables too or choke on hazardous items and fall ill just like children can.

The take home? Pet proof your home and make sure your dog and/or cats are safe while your valuables are too. It’s not hard to do.

Secure cupboards, put important things away, hide food they’ll love to eat but shouldn’t and even place door-blockers in certain places of your home so they can’t just go anywhere and get into everything.

Give Them Lots of Affection

Dogs and cats NEED our affection. Do you know why most of us cry our heads off when our pets die? It’s because of guilt. We remember the times our little boy or girl greeted us at the door every day; we remember how we ignored them and put them in separate rooms when people came over; we remembered how many times we left them when we could have taken them or when we didn’t share food with them; and even yelled at them when we didn’t need to.

It’s all guilt and we wouldn’t have that guilt when they pass if we gave them the love, caring, concern, playtime and affection we could have when they were alive.

And the more affection we give them, the better their health will be in the same way as they increase the health and wellbeing of those who are sick.

Use Kind Words With Them

I’ve read research that indicates dogs can understand an array of words – some say 80, some say 200 – I watched a documentary that indicated that some dogs can understand up to 2000 words. I believe it.

Talk to your dogs and cats. They understand a lot, and if they don’t know exactly—logically—what we mean, they do understand tones and probably much more than we realize ourselves.

When we talk and engage verbally with our dogs they love it. They feel like they’re included in the conversation. Just imagine being a dog and looking for attention from our parents but our parents just keep talking to the other people 99.999% of the time. We would feel so left out. That’s exactly what dogs and cats feel when we don’t talk to them enough.

The vast majority of the time, dogs are just told to go lay down and be quiet while we talk and laugh up a storm with the other people in the household.

Read to Your Pets

OF COURSE your dog won’t understand what you’re reading to them. Think deeper. When you’re reading to your dog, you’re sitting with them, cuddling, paying attention to them and saying a slew of words they actually do understand.

They LOVE the attention. Just sitting with our pups for ten to 30 minutes a day (while reading) not only gives ourselves peace and joy but it fills their hearts with appreciation and affection for us.

Here are some benefits to reading to your pups!

The Take Home

When our dogs kick-the-bucket, we’ll feel much less guilty than those dog parents that make their dogs sleep in the corner of the room all day and night. #Truth. So treat them like the little children they are – be kind, gentle, caring and above all courteous. Thank me later.