This article contains links to good hand sanitizer dispenser products, links to content related to COVID-19 and general information for businesses that will help keep their employees safe.
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I’m writing this article for two reasons. One is to motivate business owners, and thus my common folk to exercise proper cleanliness habits because I believe this virus will be with us for a long time.
The longer the virus is here, the more we have to make sure that people on all lines of the employment industry have the right information and products that will keep them as safe as possible from contracting an infection.
Equip Your Workplace With Sanitary Products
Where do we start? get yourself a few hand sanitizer dispensers for the office. While you’re at the link above, buy a few jugs of sanitizer soap too. You’re going to need it for a long time, and you can write it hand sanitizer dispensers and soap off as a business expense.
Don’t hesitate. Let me repeat this: you’re going to need hand sanitizer, almost regardless of any type of business you run. Even if you own an auto-body shop and your employees always have grease on their fingers, they’ll practically demand that you have hand sanitizer available to them for when they feel they need it.

You buy the dispenser once, and the sanitizer every few months. From there on in, you can never be accused of not providing your employees (and customers) with hand cleaning products. You will have protected yourself from any liability.
Use Floor Decals to Encourage Physical Distancing
We’re probably not going to be exercising social distancing for decades to come, but physical distancing should always be on people minds.
This is especially true when one of our fellow employees is showing signs of sickness – sneezing, coughing etc. Hear me out.
Now that we’ve experienced our first major pandemic, we’ve all come to realize that it’s important to be aware of ourselves and those around us – whether we or they are healthy or spreading dangerous bacteria.
By placing social distancing decals on the floor and leaving them there.
Make sure you get nice decals though because you want them to match your existing decor even if it’s an office space. Colourful direction decals will stand out and be a constant reminder that your employees or customers should always “remain at a distances.“
Introduce A Physical Distancing Manual to Your Employees
Do you really want to ensure you’re not considered liable for any employee or customer getting sick while at your store, office or business? Then put together a manual on the benefits and strategies of physical distancing and proper hand-cleaning hygiene.

If you don’t have the time, just use one of the free guides on the Internet and revise it to your workplace and order of operations.
Here’s the perfect PDF guide from the Canada website which you can print, and give to your employees.
By printing this, labelling it as an “employee guide on physical distancing” and making sure you’re employees read it (and maybe sign in) you’ll further help curb the spread of any diseases and viruses, and you can rest assured that any lawsuits against you will go no where – just in case.
Let Your Employees Work From Home
According to many sources, pandemics like COVID-19 are here to stay and quarantines will become to new norm.
With that in mind, one way you can keep your employees safer, and let them know that you care about their well-being is by letting your employees work from home when they can.
Albeit many jobs don’t allow for employees to work from home, but the fact is, that there are many jobs that can be done from home.
Some employees can work from home for various tasks, while others can work from home always, or at least most of the time.
Letting your employees work from home when they can may also save you money on resources and utility bills.
The Take Home
Take the advice in this article, and on your own, think of other ways that will help you do all you can to keep your employees and customers safe from contracting an infection or virus.
We’re at the dawning of a new age, and its obvious that its time that employers do all they can to ensure those they employ are safe, and by extension everyone else at work and their families are safe too.
Do your part.