
Do Business Signs Work? What a Dumb Question

I’m not calling anyone dumb, I’m saying it’s dumb to not think it through as to whether business signs work.

Example of an A-Frame Business Sign

By WORK, I presume you mean, do business signs generate business, and the short answer is a resounding YES.

How do business signs work? They make people remember your business, and inform them of your services. Those are pretty much the two main functions of signage.

They make people remember you through what’s called Brand Recognition. Brand recognition is like being able to picture a 4-leaf clover. Even though you probably haven’t seen one in your life, you know what one looks like. The more people see your logo, the more you’re associated with a particular product or service. It’s as simple as that.

Signage is also use to inform people of your services, products or events – basically to give to information they need and will help them make a decision. Period. When a person looks at your sign they’ll figure out what you can offer them.

Let me nicely sum up how business signs work

Have you looked for a particular business within a commercial or industrial business complexes and were only able to find the back door of the place because they had no signage? That’s what business signs do.

Have you ran out of gas and were looking for your favourite gas station and found it? That’s what business signs do.

Have you ever so hungry that you could wait another second to eat, and quickly found a Mc Donalds or Wendys? That’s what business signs do.

Now that you understand how important it is for a business to have a sign, you can spend some time finding the most effective one for your business.

Here’s a bunch of examples of outdoor business signage which explains all the details of each option, and how affective each advertise for you.

Enjoy the show!